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Vernon Felton
In Defense of Camping Comfort
He slept on the ground. He slept on rocks. He mocked the air mattress. And then he tried it.
Into the Woods With Bee Boots
Having kids can cramp your adventures. On his first backpack with his 8-year-old, he discovers it doesn’t have to be…
An Ode to the Pulaski, the Hero’s Tool
If you’ve ridden or a hiked a trail, you’ve experienced the craft of this versatile workhorse.
The Backpacker Who Carries Too Much
Are you that person? Don’t be that person? Oh, wait, I’m that person!
Considering the Campfire Through The Eyes of Prometheus
What is it about a good campfire that brings out the best and worst in us?
DIY: The Secret Art of Keeping Your Derailleurs Happy
Here’s simple guide to the trickiest of all bike maintenance—keeping your gears shifting smoothly.
Behind the Cult of Bontrager
At this very moment, someone is selling a 22-year-old mountain bike frame on Ebay for $700 and the odds are…